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What is Success?


What is Success?

Success is a quite subjective concept. Each person understands it in his or her own way. For some, success is a career. For some – happiness in the family, and the health of loved ones. Before, it seemed to me that success was something fleeting. Today it is there, and tomorrow it is not.

Now I believe that in this case we are talking about luck. It is short-lived; it comes, in my experience, only at those moments when you do not expect it at all. Well, or in critical situations, when suddenly something happens and everything ends well.

Many people think that luck is a gift of destiny. It literally falls on you, it is impossible to predict. Some believe in the magical essence of this concept – with the help of certain actions or spells it can be called. Another thought in this regard is the divine origin of luck (it is sent by heaven to people for good and righteous deeds). As many people, as many opinions.

But then what is success? In my opinion, to get it, you need to work hard and set yourself definite tasks. Luck can come in the form of an unexpected inheritance – distant relatives left you millions. But when you worked for a long time, lacked sleep, exhausted yourself, and earned millions, this is a success.

It is difficult to determine the limits of success. Some man worked at a small enterprise all his life. An average income, a standard apartment, a small family. In his understanding, he is successful – everything is enough for him. Another earns millions but wants billions. He considers himself unsuccessful. I hope that I will soon decide for myself what constitutes success. Life will show it to me and to you too.

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18 квітня 2024